Quals NDH 2018 - Crawl me maybe
CTF URL: https://nuitduhack.com/Solves: 47 / Points: 100 / Category: Web
Challenge description
A website test if a web page validity. You can provide this page by url only. Find a way to find and get the flag.
Challenge resolution
This challenge was pretty straightforward.
The web application only presented the following form:
When a site like www.google.com
was provided, the application fetched the HTML page and printed its contents:
While manipulating the only parameter sent (url
), the following stack trace was returned by the web server:
This error page disclosed the actual source code of the aplication as well as the software version:
A quick look for exploits revealed that the application was vulnerable to path traversal attacks:
After a little bit of digging, the application also turned out to be vulnerable to OS command injection:
From there, we found the flag was located in a subdirectory of the user challenge
home folder:
However, as the strings flag
and txt
were prohibited, the following error message was returned:
We thus used the find
command to search for files in the /home/challenge/src
folder that we displayed using the “cat” command:
And… bingo!
Post date: 2018-04-01